Selasa, 20 September 2016

World Tournament & Techno Fest 2016

Hi, everyone!
Now, I want to tell you about my experience to joined WTTF

WTTF is World Tournament & Techno Fest 2016. This event was held by OSIS 3 Senior High School. This event was held on Saturday, August 20th 2016. This event were participated by student of X and XI grade. In this event, our batch competed with our senior batch. One class from our batch will compete with one class from our senior batch. The winner of this tournament was the most unified batch. Also, we should talk in English from the beginning until the event finished.

First, we gathered in Lapangan Bali. Each class should wear different clothes. My class were wearing white stripe clothes with sport pants. We got an instruction from the committee of this event. My class, X Science 7 will compete with our senior, from class XI Science 7. Then we got a map about the location of the tournament. They also told us about the rules. Every group that won the games will be give a piece of puzzle from the committee. If the group lose, they will be attacked by aliens and their ballon (as their soul) will be eased. In the end of this game, each of the batch should complete the puzzle that they got from the games and the fastest one will be the winner. Two class from different badge will be guided by two mentors.

The first place was Lapangan Bali. In this place, we played 2 kind of games. The first game was keeping your hands. In this game, each player will give a handkerchief and they should keep it from other group. The group could take a handkerchief from the other group. The player that lose his/her handkerchief was out from the games. This games was won by our class. The second game was a quiz about technology. We should send one player as representative from each group. The player from my class was Bayu. My class won this game too.

The second place was Taman Tongkeng. We went there on foot. It was a really hot day and we walked for a long time. We were really tired and thirsty. But, we still kept our spirit to play all of the games. When we got there, the committee were waiting for us. We played a game. The game was to make a robot from ingredients that they gave us. The ingredient was only cardboard. We made a robot with that cardboard and we didn't add other ingredients. Our robot was a really simple robot. But we still won the game.

The third place was Taman Foto. We also went there on foot. The game that we played there was a focus with a strategy games. We should moved our feet and our hand on the colorful carpet based on the command from the committee. The player from our class were Azzam and Saskia. But we lost the game. It's a pity but we didn't think much about that. We were attacked by the aliens and our soul became only one.

The fourth place was our beloved school, 3 Senior high School Bandung. Because we were really tired, we went there by public transportation. We arrived there in different times because we used different public transportation and also some of my classmate choosed to walk on foot. As we waited for them to arrive, we bought cimol cause we were really hungry. Some of my friends that also bought cimol didn't cancel their cimol's order because the others was arrived and we should move to another game quickly. So, some of my friends just share the cimol with the others.

In the school, we watched a film about technology. After that, we played a playstation games. Each of the class should send their representative to play the game. My friend, Nanda, play the first round of the game and she won. I was really amazed by that. I thought it is very rare to see a girls play a playstation game like a master. And after that, we played a game to eat spicy samyang. My class also won this game.

In the end, we gathered again in Lapangan Bali based on our batch and we completed the puzzle together. Our batch was the first one to complete the puzzle. We, 3'2019, won the tournament and became the most unified batch.

I felt really happy because this event made our batch unified and solid.We also learned to become brave and practiced to build our cooperation and made strategy together. I also think that we can improved our English more because of this event. We can practice to speak in English and listen to English. I really enjoyed this event eventhough it was really made me tired.

That's all from me. What do you think about my story? Thank you and see you in the next post.

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